Poverty Alleviation Initiative
“It’s hard to change the world, but it’s not so hard to change some people’s world” -Cass Sunstein

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Official logo for Breathe: LA County's Guaranteed Income Program

The application period, program and study enrollment process has been completed and is now closed.

For a list of other resources, please click here.

The application period is now closed.

Breathing Room

Breathe LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program is providing 1,000 eligible residents with $1,000 a month for three years. Find out how this financial breathing room is helping change the lives of these participants.


Meet Carmen, a small businesswoman who has survived the pandemic and is stronger than ever. BREATHE is a guaranteed income pilot program that provides 1,000 county residents some breathing room with $1000 a month for three years to help establish financial stability. For those enrolled, it’s more than a check; it’s a path forward that’s changing lives.


Meet Darien, who has big plans to share her love of Cambodian food. BREATHE is a guaranteed income pilot program that provides 1,000 county residents some breathing room with $1000 a month for three years to help establish financial stability. For those enrolled, it’s more than a check; it’s a path forward that’s changing lives.


Meet Jackie, proud mother and nurse. BREATHE is a guaranteed income pilot program that provides 1,000 county residents some breathing room with $1000 a month for three years to help establish financial stability. For those enrolled, it’s more than a check; it’s a path forward that’s changing lives.


The COVID-19 pandemic turned Kipp’s life upside down. The former touring musician was just getting her business started when her income base collapsed. But thanks to the County’s guaranteed income pilot program that provides $1000 a month in steady income for three years, she’s back creating again and the sound couldn’t be sweeter.

For this pilot program, only 1,000 participants were randomly selected to receive $1,000 per month for 3 years. Participants were selected in 2022. In 2023, the pilot program expanded and an additional 200 former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth were randomly selected to receive $1,000 per month for two years. Anyone who was not contacted by the project team and participated in an onboarding process was not selected to receive the $1,000 monthly payments. Breathe is a pilot program which we hope will usher in something more expansive in the future that will serve more people in Los Angeles County.

In August of 2024, the Board of Supervisors adopted a motion to expand Breathe to more than 2,000 foster youth in care between the ages of 18 and 21. The expansion is scheduled to launch later this Fall and will offer $500 monthly or $1,500 quarterly payments for 18 months. All eligible youth will be notified by their DCFS case worker to participate in the program.

There is a national movement happening to understand and address the real need in our community. This program is just the first step in the County’s determination to address poverty (the County has adopted a strategic plan for alleviating poverty that it is starting to implement, that focuses on the kinds of needs that were shared by applicants throughout the application process).

For a list of other resources, please click here.

Early research suggests that a Guaranteed Income program can provide households with financial stability during sharp economic swings to breathe a little easier, alleviate stress, and broaden recipients’ horizons, allowing them the time to complete deferred education and job training, as well as plans to fully participate in their communities. Importantly, these programs come without the scrutiny and work requirements of certain public benefits.

Los Angeles County launched the pilot program Breathe to provide its residents the chance to “breathe” easier knowing they are more financially secure. Breathe is a guaranteed income pilot project that provides 1,000 eligible residents with $1,000 per month for three years, and additional 200 former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth with $1,000 per month for two years. While the benefits of guaranteed income programs have been documented, this is an independent research project that will be used to study the effects of this type of program so that the County and other jurisdictions can learn about the project’s impact on the economic stability of participants, as well as its impact on participants’ overall health and well-being.

Who is Eligible

To be eligible for the expanded program for former foster youth, you must meet all of these requirements:

  • Be between 21 years old and under 24 (won’t turn 24 until September 1, 2023 or later) when applying
  • Be a former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth who was in care on or after their 18th birthday (AKA “aged out”)
  • Live in a Los Angeles County neighborhood that falls at or below 100% of the County’s Area Median Household Income (AMI)
  • Have a household income that falls at or below 100% of the County’s AMI, for a single person household
    Have a household income that falls at or below 120% of the County’s AMI for households with two or more persons (see Income Eligibility Table below)
  • Have been negatively financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Not be currently enrolled in another Guaranteed Income project offered by the County, a city, or other public or private entity (EXAMPLES INCLUDE: Breathe, Long Beach Pledge, West Hollywood Pilot for Guaranteed Income, El Monte Guaranteed Income Program, Miracle Messages, TAYPortunity, or others)

Note: Only one person will be eligible to participate in the project per household.

Income Eligibility Table

Number of Persons Residing in your household Maximum Annual Household Income Amount*
1 $56,000
2 $76,800
3 $86,400
4 $96,000
5 $103,700
6 $111,350
7 $119,050
8** $126,700

*   These amounts are for your pre-tax or gross income.

** For every additional member of your household above 8, add an another $7,700.

Eligibility Map

How to Apply?

To apply for the expanded pilot program:

  • You must apply during the open application dates on this websiteJune 20th at 6 am – July 3rd at 11:59 pm. A link to apply will appear on this website, once the application opens. You will not have access to the application outside of the application window dates and times listed above.
  • If you would like additional assistance, you can call the Strength Based Community Change (SBCC) Hotline at (323) 736-2122 between the hours of Monday – Friday, 8 am – 8 pm, and Saturdays 9 am – 1 pm. You can also choose to visit one of the multiple drop-in centers that have been set up across the County. The list of these centers can be found here or by calling SBCC.
  • If you have a disability that makes it difficult for you to apply, you can use accessibility software on your device (the application is compatible with this), visit a drop-in center if possible, or call SBCC to get help completing the application over the phone.

STEP 1: Find out if you are eligible by completing the online screening tool.

If you meet all of the eligibility requirements, go to Step 2. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements, please click here for a list of other resources that may be helpful to you.

STEP 2: If eligible, complete the online application survey form.

  • If you are eligible for the program, the full application survey link will appear after you complete the screener tool. It can be filled out on a computer or using your cell phone.
  • If you do not have online access, please see list of designated locations that you can visit to receive assistance to apply during the application period.

Please Note:

  • The research survey portion of the application may take approximately 45 minutes to complete.

Selection Process and Research Survey

200 former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants by the research team, the University of Pennsylvania, Center for Guaranteed Income Research, much like a blind drawing.

The date and time applicants apply, or the method, will not impact getting selected, as long as they apply during the open enrollment period.

The application includes a survey that the researchers will use to collect baseline data for those selected to be participants in the project or the control group. This survey includes a series of questions about your overall health and well-being. Some of these questions are sensitive and may be difficult to answer. These questions are only for purposes of gathering baseline data for the research study. Answers to them will not have any impact on being selected to participate in the project. They will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. The participants will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants who meet the stated eligibility requirements and submits an application during the application enrollment period.

To see the full detailed research plan, please click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Breathe Extended—LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program?

Breathe is a guaranteed income project that will provide 200 former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth with $1,000 per month for two years. While the benefits of guaranteed income programs have been documented, this is an independent research project that will be used to study the effects of this type of program so that the County and other jurisdictions can learn about the project’s impact on the economic stability of participants, as well as its impact on participants’ overall health and well-being.

Guaranteed income is a monthly cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached on how to spend it and no work requirements. It is meant to supplement, not replace, the existing social safety net.

Program participants do not need to participate in the research study to remain in the program and receive their monthly payments.

How will participants be selected?

200 former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants by the research team, the University of Pennsylvania, Center for Guaranteed Income Research, much like a blind drawing.

The date and time applicants apply, or the method, will not impact the selection process, as long as they apply during the open enrollment period. As this is also an independent research study, applicants will be asked a series of questions to gather baseline data on overall health and well-being. Some of these questions are sensitive and may be difficult to answer. These questions are only for purposes of gathering baseline data for the research study. Answers to them will not have any impact on being selected to participate in the project. The participants will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants who meet the stated eligibility requirements and submits an application during the application enrollment period.

  • Participants selected to participate will be notified by SBCC as part of the on boarding process
  • Control group participants will be notified by the research team
  • Applicants not selected to participate will be notified, by either email or text, that they were not selected, if they gave the County permission to contact them on the screening tool portion of the application
  • Regular updates on the selection process will also be posted on the website

What is the “control group?” Is there a benefit for participating?

After participants are selected, another 450 applicants will be randomly chosen to participate in the research study only, as part of the “control group.” Control group participants will not receive the monthly payment. They will complete periodic surveys and interviews about their well-being so that information can be compared to the “treatment group” and help determine whether the program was effective. Control group participants will receive $50 gift cards for each survey completed (this does not include the application and initial survey).

How will the research study work? How will success be measured?

The University of Pennsylvania, along with other local and national research partners, will conduct a randomized control study to measure the project’s outcomes. Participants are not required to participate in the research study in order to receive the monthly payments. For those who do choose to be part of the study, program and control group participants will be asked to provide information periodically on different aspects of their overall health and well-being across different domain areas, and will both receive a $30 gift card for each survey completed (this does not include the application and initial survey).

The individual information collected will only be used by the research team, and no individual information will be shared with anyone else. Only aggregate data will be shared with others to report on the overall project outcomes as a whole. The data will be used to help reform current policies, guide future programs, and aid in the expansion of our social safety net.

To see the full detailed research plan, please click here.

If selected, how will I receive my monthly Guaranteed Income distribution? Do I need to have a bank account?

Monthly payments to participants will be distributed through debit cards. You do not need to have a bank account to participate.

Who will I be engaging with if I’m selected to participate?

The County has partnered with a non-profit community-based organization, Strength-Based Community Change (SBCC) to be the program administrator for Breathe. SBCC and their team will be the people who answer questions from applicants, contact participants as needed, and troubleshoot any issues that arise over the course of the program. SBCC can be reached at: Breathedcfs@sbaycenter.com or (323) 736-2122.

How will I know if I’ve been selected as a participant?

SBCC will contact selected participants using the contact information provided with the application. If you are selected, SBCC will reach out to you directly.

Will I hear from someone if I wasn’t chosen?

The SBCC will email or text applicants who were not selected to be part of the program to let them know, if they checked the box giving the County permission to contact them outside of the application process and provided an email address and/or cell phone number in that section. Additionally, the County will update the website once all notifications to participants have been completed. If you check the website and it says that notifications to participants have been completed and you have not been contacted, then you have not been selected to participate.

I was not selected to participate but I still need help. Are there any resources available to me?

If you would like to find other resources that may help, please click on this link, or contact SBCC at Breathedcfs@sbaycenter.com or (323) 736-2122.

Will my public benefits be affected by participating?

Some benefits could be affected while others will not be affected at all. Those selected to participate will have an opportunity to talk to a benefits counselor about their specific situation regarding any public benefits they are receiving such as CalWORKS, CalFresh, General Relief, and others before starting in the program. At that time, they will be able to decide whether or not they want to participate.

Who do I contact if my Guaranteed Income distribution is not received?

You should contact SBCC, at: Breathedcfs@sbaycenter.com or (323) 736-2122.

What should I do if my contact information changes?

If your contact information changes, please email us at Breathedcfs@sbaycenter.com, and include your full name and the contact information you used to apply (phone number, email address, street address), along with your updated contact information.

Will I have to verify my information?

Yes, those selected to participate will need to show proof of meeting the eligibility requirements stated above before being enrolled in the program.

Why should we provide people with guaranteed income?

Early research suggests that cash may be the simplest yet most powerful way to do the most good for the most people. It can be powerful for three reasons. First, it moves quickly. Even with U.S. Treasury problems, 80 million American households have already received a check the government just mandated several months ago. Second, it allows for flexibility. No two American households are identical in their needs. While one will need funds for rent, others will need it for childcare, and yet others will need it for a laptop so their child can engage in distance learning. And of course, most families need something different every month. Third, many people are only partially covered by or completely left out of existing social safety net programs. Cash could help fill these gaps.

Why not just guarantee jobs or housing?

Cash is effective and immediate, but it is not a silver bullet. A cash infusion can address immediate needs and provide the level of consistency required to keep a household from going into a greater financial crisis. Larger systemic changes must be addressed to ensure affordable housing, healthcare, and jobs are available. We need meaningful, systemic change to our economy – and cash is just one part of that.

How do local communities benefit from guaranteed income?

More cash in people’s pockets keeps families financially secure and stimulates the local economy. Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a guaranteed income could stimulate spending at the local level and generate much-needed state and local revenue to drive the economy across the country. Addressing the needs of our residents undoubtedly improves the circumstances of the broader community.

Glossary of Terms

Average Median Income (AMI): AMI is the median average income calculated for a particular area across our country. In this case, we are using household AMI for Los Angeles County and its census tracts.

Participants: People who have been selected to receive the Guaranteed Income payment of $1,000 per month for 24 months.

200 former Los Angeles County DCFS foster youth will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants by the research team, the University of Pennsylvania, Center for Guaranteed Income Research, much like a blind drawing.

Treatment Group: The treatment group is another way of referring to the participants who have been selected to receive the Guaranteed Income payments.

Control Group: People who will not receive the Guaranteed Income payment but have been invited to participate in the research activities.

Non-Participants: People who will not receive a guaranteed income through the project and will not be invited to participate in research activities.

Screening Tool: The initial questions determine a participant’s eligibility for the Guaranteed Income project. Once eligibility has been approved, an in-depth application survey must be filled out. The screening tool must be completed online.

Application Survey: The application survey is a complete overview of your demographic background, mental, physical, and financial health, goals, and overall well-being. The survey may take approximately one hour to complete.  In-person assistance to complete the online application survey is available. The survey must be completed online.

Cash Distribution: The cash distribution is the monthly payment amount of $1,000 that will be given to participants in the project. These payments will be disbursed through debit cards.

Program Partners

Link to Supervisor Hilda L. Solis' website
Link to Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell's website
Link to Supervisor Sheila Kuehl's website
Link to Supervisor Janice Hahn's website
Link to Supervisor Kathryn Barger's website
Link to the Ant-Racism, Diversity and Inclusion and Initiative
Link to Center for Strategic Partnerships website
Link to Office of Chief Information Office website
Link to Conrad N. Hilton Foundation website
Link to County Counsel website
Link to LA County Consumer and Business Affairs website
Link to Department of Public Social Services website
Link to First 5 LA website
Link to Internal Services Department website
Link to Mayors for a Guaranteed Income website
Link to Registrar-Recorder County Clerk website
Link to Strength Based Community Change's website
Link to California Endowment
Link to the California Wellness Foundation website
Link to the James Irvine Foundation website
Link to Kresege Foundation website
Link to the Center for Guaranteed Income Research website
Link to the Weingart Foundation website
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