

Legislative Affairs is the focal point of coordination of State and Federal legislative policy and strategy for the County. In consultation with the Board of Supervisors, and County departments, CEO Legislative Affairs develops the County’s legislative priorities and policies for consideration by the Board. Based on these policies, and the Board’s on-going guidance, Legislative Affairs works with departments and other County stakeholders to identify, analyze, and take advocacy positions on State and Federal legislation and budget proposals. The County’s advocacy is handled on a day-to-day basis by the Sacramento and Washington, D.C. offices.

Legislative Agendas

State and Federal Legislation of Interest to the County of Los Angeles

The County’s online bill tracking system provides information on federal and State legislation that the County has taken a formal position on, or that is of interest to the County. The system allows users to search and view by individual bills and by larger categories.

Catching Up with the County

Below are periodic overviews and updates on Federal and State legislative and budgetary items of interest to the County.

County of Los Angeles Advocacy on State Budget Items

This report provides a listing of all State Budget items and proposals for which the County has taken an advocacy position. This list includes links with additional information regarding the County’s position.

Legislative Delegations

The Los Angeles County legislative delegations refer to the group of elected officials who represent Los Angeles County at both the state and federal levels. These officials serve in the California State Legislature and in the U.S. Congress. These rosters, detail the names and specific legislative districts of each elected official within these delegations.


State Senate
State Assembly
New LA County Delegaton Members

Legislative District Maps

These maps reflect the legislative delegation districts overlaid over the County’s supervisorial districts. The interactive map feature allows users to create individualized maps by overlaying one or more of all these districts in a tailored fashion.  The interactive map also allows users to hover over any district to see district details, as well as zoom in to that region.

State Senate
State Assembly

Interactive Map
Interactive Map User Guide 
Interactive Map User Video 

City Officials

Contact information for the 88 incorporated cities of Los Angeles County.

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