We offer several options for applying, if you have any physical, mental, or developmental challenges, as well as other health issues, that make it difficult to apply:
We have over 50 drop-in centers across the County that you can visit to get additional assistance with filling out the application, including staff on hand to help fill out the application with you as you answer the questions verbally or in writing. A few of the centers will also provide assistance filling out the application over the phone or over Zoom. Please click here for that list.
You may be able to fill out the application online using a computer or your cell phone. The design of the website is optimized to ensure broad readability and usability, which includes accessibility criteria and features for people with disabilities, so you may be able to see, understand, navigate, interact, and contribute to the Website effectively.
You can call our community partners, SBCC, at (213) 342-1003 or email them at: Breathe@sbaycenter.com to walk you through options for assistance that best meet your specific situation.