• December 4, 2024

Black People Experiencing Homelessness Data Dashboard

Los Angeles County Black People Experiencing Homelessness Dashboard Learn about the factors that contribute to the disproportionality of Black people in homelessness. Visit the dashboard ceo.lacounty.gov/ardi/bpeh

Black People Experiencing Homelessness Data Dashboard

Black People Experiencing Homelessness Data Dashboard 1024 576 Los Angeles County

Black People Experiencing Homelessness Data Dashboard

In Los Angeles County, Black people are significantly overrepresented among people experiencing homelessness. Data show that although Black people make up approximately 9.4% of the overall County population, they represent an estimated 32% of the homeless population.

The Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (ARDI) Initiative and the Black People Experiencing Homelessness (BPEH) Implementation Steering Committee recently launched the Black People Experiencing Homelessness Data Dashboard to increase accountability and ensure transparency of the County’s Homeless system and other factors that impact Black people in Los Angeles County.

Screenshot of the BPEH Data Dashboard

This data dashboard provides County-level data on a host of metrics, including data on the variables that contribute to the disproportionality of Black people in homelessness, such as: cost of living and employment, foster care and child welfare system involvement, criminal justice system involvement, and reentry. It also looks at data on outcomes related to Coordinated Entry System (CES) and permanent housing and retention outcomes.

The BPEH Implementation Steering Committee (BPEH ISC), which is comprised of stakeholders from government agencies, community- and faith-based organizations, subject matter experts, and members of our community with lived experience, was established to guide, track, coordinate on, and monitor the implementation of 20 priority recommendations to tackle the challenges contributing to the disproportionality of Black people experiencing homelessness.

This dashboard visualizes data that can be used by community members, government officials and personnel, and philanthropic partners to understand the factors contributing to the overrepresentation of Black people experiencing homelessness.

Visit the Black People Experiencing Homelessness Data Dashboard and join us in addressing racial disparities in homelessness.

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