Census 2020
Los Angeles County Census Unit
The Los Angeles County Census Unit is responsible for developing a Countywide education and outreach plan to encourage participation in the 2020 Census. The Chief Executive Office, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, is working collaboratively with County Departments, diverse stakeholders, local governments such as the Mayor’s Office-City of Los Angeles, and other agencies and interested entities to conduct and support outreach and education efforts in preparation for the 2020 Census, with an emphasis on reaching Hard-to-Survey (HTS) populations.
What is the Census?
Once a decade, all residents in the United States have an opportunity to participate in the decennial census survey. This census provides the basis for reapportioning Congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing billions of dollars in federal funding to support vital programs for states and local governments.
The goal of the County’s 2020 Census Outreach Plan is to increase survey response rates and avoid an undercount of HTS populations that depend on critical federally funded programs.
For more information on the 2020 Census, please log on to Census.ca.gov.