To ignite a new way of aligning technology and innovation with business strategy and vision across Los Angeles County, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) launched a user-centered strategic planning and innovation program to support its 37 departments. This program is focused on engaging County employees and users from the beginning on how we achieve outcomes, better serve our customers and improve our staff’s experience working across Los Angeles County.

This program identifies how service delivery can be reimagined and how department technology needs can be better supported to address the needs of our customers.  This effort is initially facilitated through design thinking collaborative workshops that are centered around key primary questions, customized to department culture, and engage users to generate bold ideas for how to address program outcomes through the enablement of technology and/or other innovative solutions.

What We Offer

Our department relationships support us to initially triage opportunities for collaboration across this program. We will review the department opportunities and create a custom approach to support your business priorities in alignment with our program, some key steps include:

  • Strategic Innovation Workshop (design thinking)
  • Analyze and synthesize workshop ideas into “Challenge Statements”
  • Engage industry partners and stakeholders
  • Convene innovation forum to showcase collaboration opportunities
  • Confirm partners and establish timing for engagements
  • Launch initial projects and future cohorts

Strategic Partnership Projects

For the first time, Los Angeles County has five Enterprise Information Technology (IT) Strategic Goals that transcend departments and programs, align with the Board of Supervisors Strategic Priorities, and create a common focal point for service delivery and technology investments that ultimately impact 10 million residents.

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